
原文转自Mapleroyals官方论坛版主by Dave Deviluke

Q1(英文): A friend or family member has said that you can use their account(s). Are you allowed to do so?
问1(中文): 朋友或家人表示您可以使用他们的账户。 你可以这样做吗?
A1(英文): No, using their account(s) gives me an unfair advantage, and I should never do it. I am only allowed to play on my own accounts.
答1(中文): 不,使用他们的账户会让我获得不公平的优势,我永远不应该这样做,我只能用自己的账号玩游戏。

Q2(英文): Are you allowed to search for a player's personal information on the internet without their consent, and post the information either in game or on the forum?
问2(中文): 是否可以在未经玩家同意的情况下在互联网上搜索玩家的个人信息,并将这些信息发布在游戏中或论坛上?
A2(英文): No, that would be considered doxing and is an invasion of their privacy.
答2(中文): 不,这将被视为人肉搜索,并侵犯了他们的隐私。

Q3(英文): Are you allowed to launch multiple clients on your computer to access your accounts?
问3(中文): 您是否可以在电脑上启动多个客户端来登录您的账户?
A3(英文): Yes, I am allowed to launch multiple clients.
答3(中文): 是的,我可以启动多个客户端。

Q4(英文): Are you allowed to make any remark that could be perceived as derogatory or otherwise prejudiced towards any group of people based on their race, sex, gender, life choices, or any other division?
问4(中文): 您是否可以根据种族、性别、生活选择或任何其他差异发表任何可能被视为对任何群体的贬损或偏见的言论?
A4(英文): No, that would be considered vulgar/hate speech
答4(中文): 不,这会被视为粗俗/仇恨言论

Q5(英文): Can you watch a TV show or video while playing MapleRoyals?
问5(中文): 您可以在玩 MapleRoyals 时观看电视节目或视频吗?
A5(英文): Yes, as long as I am still attentive and reply to messages directed at me, or if I'm AFK-ing.
答5(中文): 是的,只要我仍然留意并回复针对我的信息,或者我正在 AFK(离开键盘)。

Q6(英文): Certain actions may get repetitive; such as when you are selling leech. Are you allowed to program a script, or download an existing one off the internet to automatically control your character?
问6(中文): 游戏中会有一些重复性的动作,例如当你在卖练等服务(leech)时。你是否可以编写脚本或从网络上下载脚本来自动操控你的角色?
A6(英文): No, that falls under Macrobotting. a more serious form of botting that is equivalent to hacking.
答6(中文): 不,这属于宏机器人,是一种较为严重的机器人行为,相当于外挂(hacking)。

Q7(英文): Given a scenario where you are unfortunately permanently banned from MapleRoyals for a valid reason, and your ban appeal has been denied. Are you allowed to create a new account and continue playing?
问7(中文): 假设您不幸因正当理由被 MapleRoyals 永久封号,且您的解封申诉已被拒绝。 您可以创建一个新账号并继续玩游戏吗?
A7(英文): No, that falls under Ban Evasion and my account (s) would eventually be banned.
答7(中文): 不,这属于规避封禁,我的新账号最终也会被封禁。

Q8(英文): How often are you allowed to vote for NX each day on Gtop100.com?
问8(中文): 您每天可以在 Gtop100.com 上为 NX 投票多少次?
A8(英文): Only one time.
答8(中文): 只有一次。

Q9(英文): If another player is harassing you with explicit, vulgar, or offensive language or content, what should you do?
问9(中文): 如果其他玩家使用露骨、粗俗或冒犯性的语言或内容骚扰您,该怎么办?
A9(英文): I will capture a video, or screenshot, and report it on the Forum under 'Report Abuse'.
答9(中文): 我将录制视频或截图,并在论坛的“举报滥用”板块进行举报。

Q10(英文): If there's more than one person in your household playing MapleRoyals, what must you all do in order to all vote each day?
问10(中文): 如果您家里有不止一个人玩 MapleRoyals,那么你们必须做什么才能每天一起投票?
A10(英文): Apply for the whitelist on the forum and until it is approved, only one player will vote each day.
答10(中文): 在论坛上申请白名单,直到它被批准,每天只有一名玩家可以投票。

Q11(英文): If you come across a bug, or a glitch that gives you an unfair advantage while playing MapleRoyals, what should you do?
问11(中文): 如果你在玩 Mapleroyals 时遇到任何错误(bug/glitch),并得以从中获得不公平的好处,你应该怎么做?
A11(英文): I will visit the 'Bug Report' section on the forum, and report it there.
答11(中文): 我会浏览论坛上的“错误报告”版块,并在那里报告问题。

Q12(英文): MapleRoyals is constantly updating and the new patches can be downloaded from the website in order to enjoy non-disrupted gameplay. Are you allowed to play on outdated, modified, or any other game files than those provided on the Download Page directly by MapleRoyals?
问12(中文): Mapleroyals 持续地进行更新,你可以从网站下载新补丁以维持正常的游玩体验。你是否可以使用未更新的、被修改过的或者在 Mapleroyals 下载页面所提供的文件以外的游戏文件来进行游戏?
A12(英文): No, as playing the game using improper files may cause disrupted gameplay for myself and other players.
答12(中文): 不可以,使用不正确的文件玩游戏可能会导致我自己和其他玩家的游戏出现问题。

Q13(英文): Players collect fame for multiple reasons. Assume you encounter someone whom you dislike because of something they did. Is it appropriate for you to defame them?
问13(中文): 玩家收集名声(fame)的原因有很多。假设你因为某个人的所作所为而不喜欢他,降低他的名声(defame)是恰当的行为吗?
A13(英文): Yes, so long as I do not mass defame and/or engage other players to mass defame the player on my behalf.
答13(中文): 是的,只要我不大规模地降低名声(mass defame)或唆使/诱使其他玩家代我大规模降低该玩家的名声。

Q14(英文): When is it permitted to put a weight on your keyboard to perform actions while not at your computer?
问14(中文): 在什么情况下,你可以在键盘上放上重物执行操作,然后离开你的电脑?
A14(英文): It is never okay, I should always be playing my character myself.
答14(中文): 任何时候都不行,我应该亲自操作我的角色。

Q15(英文): Whether you have encountered an item you wish to purchase, but do not have enough mesos for, or are quitting MapleRoyals and want to earn some money by selling your equipment. Are you allowed to buy and/or sell the item(s) using real money?
问15(中文): 假设你遇到一件你想购买的物品,但没有足够的游戏金币(meso),或者你要退出 Mapleroyals 并打算出售你的装备来赚一点钱。不论何种情况,你是否可以使用真实货币购买和/或出售物品?
A15(英文): No, Real World Trading is unfair, detrimental to the market, and is not allowed.
答15(中文): 不行,现实世界交易(RWT, Real World Trading)对游戏市场有害,是不公平的,因此不被允许。

Q16(英文): You see a player acting suspiciously; such as looting items from afar or attacking out-of-reach monsters around the map, are you allowed to loot the items dropped by those monsters?
问16(中文): 你看到一名玩家行为可疑,例如从远处捡取物品或者攻击地图各处超出攻击范围的怪物,你是否可以捡取那些怪物掉落的物品?
A16(英文): No, because reaping benefits from a hacker is not allowed.
答16(中文): 不可以,因为从黑客身上获取利益是不被允许的。

Q17(英文): Have you clearly read and understood the rules of MapleRoyals? Do you understand the punishments that would be imposed if you are caught breaking the rules?
问17(中文): 您是否清楚地阅读并理解了 MapleRoyals 的规则? 你知道如果你违反规则被发现会受到怎样的惩罚吗?
A17(英文): Yes
答17(中文): 是的

最后更新于 2024-06-09