

原文转自mapleroyals官方论坛GM by Becca


  • 本指南主要面向无力承担借用或购买 Orbis 交换等费用的新玩家,或喜欢磨练的人!:)
  • 为怪物提供的经验值估算不包括我们内置的奖励小队经验值系统。小队中杀死的活跃成员越多,您获得的经验值就越多。
  • 每增加一名活跃的队友,您都可以获得额外 10% 的额外经验值。6 人小队将获得 60% 的额外经验值,因此与其他人一起磨练非常重要。
  • 等级估计有点粗略,已经有一段时间了,我忘了记录我的等级,何时/何地等等...所以对此持保留态度。我在升级时遵循了本指南,我的其他几个小号也升级得很好,我想这一切都取决于个人喜好!:D
  • 如果您有足够的资金并且愿意努力,结果可能会有所不同,您可能可以稍早一些尝试一些更高级别的地图。
  • 这是对一些(我认为)最适合磨练的地方的一般总结。它不考虑战士的精准度或远程攻击者。如果你是一名战士,我最好的建议是保持 40 基本 DEX 并使用精准度药水,直到你可以在其他地方弥补精准度范围后将你的 DEX 提升到 APR。(DEX 装备、Zhelm、Maple 武器等)
  • 我尝试过提供一些区域,例如 Hoodoos/Voodoos 和 Straw Target Dummies,作为远程​​替代品,但我个人从未磨练过任何远程角色。我使用本指南升级了 BM,并且大部分时间我都坚持使用 ToT 和 Ellin 来磨练更高级别的点。我选择了任务专家,并且完成了相当多的级别(完成时我已经 80级了)。我还同时收集了怪物书卡,自然磨练让我升级得相当快!;)
  • 有些地图可能不如其他地图那么可行,这是因为我试图摆脱已经过度饱和的标准区域。请随意查看地图,并告诉我您的 EXP 比率!请记住奖励 EXP 派对系统!
  • 最好和他们交朋友并一起努力,尤其是当你达到更高的水平时。
  • 如果你能在 5-10 分钟内完成 10%,那么这里就是磨练的最佳地点。(你的等级越高,可能越慢,达到 120+)

Level 1-10

maple island

Level 10-15

Level 15-30

Level 30-51

Level 51-71

  • Quests Find quests worth doing in here!
  • CPQ2 level 51-71 (Orbis, Kerning City, or Ludibrium)
  • Orbis PQ level 51-200 (Don't forget to feed Wonky for easy bonus EXP!)
  • Python Talk to Spinel -- Floating Market -- go right -- top portal -- keep going until you reach the map Deep Jungle

    EXP without HS: 736
    EXP with HS: 809
  • Mixed & Dark Golem The Forest of Golem
    EXP without HS: 640
    EXP with HS: 704
    EXP without HS: 672
    EXP with HS: 739
  • Rodeo Muddy Banks 2
    EXP without HS: 800
    EXP with HS: 880
  • Sage Cat Goblin Forest 2
    EXP without HS: 816
    EXP with HS: 897
  • Hoodoo/Voodoo HeartStopper Map
    EXP without HS: 1072
    EXP with HS: 1179
    EXP without HS: 1072
    EXP with HS: 1179
  • Straw Target Dummy Practice Field : Beginner
    EXP without HS: 432
    EXP with HS: 475
  • Slimy & Selkie Jr. MP3 Mysterious Path 3
    EXP without HS: 800
    EXP with HS: 880
    EXP without HS: 704
    EXP with HS: 774
  • Saitie Authorized Personnel Only
    EXP without HS: 1536
    EXP with HS: 1689
  • Captain / Kru Red Nose Pirate Den 2
    EXP without HS: 902
    EXP with HS: 992
    EXP without HS: 848
    EXP with HS: 932

Level 71-80

Level 80-100

Level 100-120

  • Level 100+ Ellin PQ Pre Quests
  • Level 100+ Temple of Time Quests
  • EPQ Level 110+ (Ellin Forest)
  • Ninto Castle Corridor
    Do not take any mages here, mage skills do 1 damage.
    There isn't any safe spots too for a HS mule.
    These mobs were buffed a long time ago to make it an optimal grinding spot.
    EXP without HS: 14720
    EXP with HS: 16192
  • Giant Eagle Talk to Spinel -- Lushan Town -- go left until you reach Mountain Road 1 (party recommended)

    EXP without HS: 9280
    EXP With HS: 10208
  • Male & Female Burglar Talk to Spinel -- Lushan Town -- go left until you reach Mountain Road 2 (party recommended)

    EXP without HS: 9280
    EXP With HS: 10208
  • Berserkie & Veetron Ulu I Ulu Estate I
    EXP without HS: 4640
    EXP with HS: 5104
    EXP without HS: 6080
    EXP with HS: 6688
  • Slygie & Veetron Ulu II Ulu Estate II
    EXP without HS: 8000
    EXP wit HS: 8800
    EXP without HS: 6080
    EXP with HS: 6688
  • Petrifighter Ulu City Center (Party recommended)
    EXP without HS: 14560
    EXP with HS: 16016
  • Skelegon & Skelosaurus The Dragon's Nest Left Behind (Party recommended)
    EXP without HS: 14400
    EXP with HS: 15840
    EXP without HS: 15200
    EXP with HS: 16720
  • ToT ToT Pre Quest & Maps to Grind!
  • Ellin Forest Grinding locations:
    Tree Rod Western Region of Mossy Tree Forest 2 (Revamped map, teleporter in 4 spots easy access to top and bottom on both sides. Party Recommended.)

    EXP without HS: 9760
    EXP with HS: 10736
  • Primitive Boar Boulder Mountain Entrance (Revamped map, easily can accommodate a party of 5-6 for maximum effect. Party Recommended.)

    EXP without HS: 15040
    EXP with HS: 16544

Level 120-135

  • Papulatus
  • Pianus

  • Level 120+ Shao Pre Quests
  • Level 120+ Temple of Time Quests
  • Level 120+ Horn Tail Pre Quests
  • Berserkie & Veetron Ulu I Ulu Estate I
    EXP without HS: 4640
    EXP with HS: 5104
    EXP without HS: 6080
    EXP with HS: 6688
  • Slygie & Veetron Ulu II Ulu Estate II
    EXP without HS: 8000
    EXP wit HS: 8800
    EXP without HS: 6080
    EXP with HS: 6688
  • Petrifighter Ulu City Center (Party recommended)
    EXP without HS: 14560
    EXP with HS: 16016
  • Skelegon & Skelosaurus The Dragon's Nest Left Behind (Party recommended)
    EXP without HS: 14400
    EXP with HS: 15840
    EXP without HS: 15200
    EXP with HS: 16720
  • ToT ToT Pre Quest & Maps to Grind!
  • Big Foot Crimsonwood Forest Locations
  • Giant Silver Monk Talk to Spinel -- Lushan Town -- Go left until you reach Shaolin Temple -- Complete quests to gain access to Shaolin Temple Floor 7 (Party Recommended)

    EXP without HS: 28800
    EXP with HS: 44352
  • Giant Gold Monk Talk to Spinel -- Lushan Town -- Go left until you reach Shaolin Temple -- Complete quests to gain access to Shaolin Temple Floor 7 (Party Recommended)
    EXP without HS: 34560
    EXP with HS: 38016
  • Neo Tokyo Neo Tokyo Pre Quests level 130+
  • Chief Oblivion Guardian Road to Oblivion 5
    EXP without HS: 22592
    EXP with HS: 24851

Level 135-155

  • LHC Pre Quests level 135+
  • Papulatus
  • Pianus
  • Krexel
  • Zakum
  • Female Boss (Anego)
  • Wulin Yaoseng (Shao)
  • Crocky LHC
    Base Exp: 87,840
    Bonus Exp in a Party of 6: 219,600
  • Chief Oblivion Guardian Road to Oblivion 5
    EXP without HS: 22592
    EXP with HS: 24851
  • Reindeer LHC
    Base Exp: 87,840
    Bonus Exp in a Party of 6: 219,600
    Base Exp: 104,000
    Bonus Exp in a Party of 6: 260,000
  • Berserkie & Veetron Ulu I Ulu Estate I
    EXP without HS: 4640
    EXP with HS: 5104
    EXP without HS: 6080
    EXP with HS: 6688
  • Slygie & Veetron Ulu II Ulu Estate II
    EXP without HS: 8000
    EXP wit HS: 8800
    EXP without HS: 6080
    EXP with HS: 6688
  • Skelegon & Skelosaurus The Dragon's Nest Left Behind (Party recommended)
    EXP without HS: 14400
    EXP with HS: 15840
    EXP without HS: 15200
    EXP with HS: 16720
  • Giant Gold Monk Talk to Spinel -- Lushan Town -- Go left until you reach Shaolin Temple -- Complete quests to gain access to Shaolin Temple Floor 7

    EXP without HS: 34560
    EXP with HS: 38016
  • Bearwolves LHC
    Base Exp: 204,800
    Bonus Exp in a Party of 6: 512,000
  • ToT ToT Pre Quest & Maps to Grind!
  • Big Foot Crimsonwood Forest Locations
  • Neo Tokyo Neo Tokyo Pre Quests level 130+

Level 155-200


最后更新于 2024-09-16