Rainbow Street-The Field East of Amherst

You can be much stronger, if you get to be trained by me. Come to me , whenever you are ready.
Quest: Mai's First Training.
Hey~ aren't you the one Lucas sent for me? Nice to meet you, I'm Mai. I used to fight in Victoria Island, but these days I've been here slowly recharging and training at the same time. Don't worry, I can still find time to train you.
Shall we start the training? Since you are still not used to the whole concept of a monster, I'll start you off with some easy monsters. Are you ready for this?
The weapon I just gave you is a Razor,and it's a form of dagger. It should be slightly more powerful than the weapon you currently have. If you want to hunt, you'll need weapons that'll help you do so. I'm giving this to you as a gift, so that one day you'll catch up to this powerfull weapon and make yourself very useful. You may want to equip it as soon as possible.
Alright, now go hunt 5 Stumps and bring back 3 Tree Branches. What's a Stump? It's a monster that strongly resembles the base of the tree. It has a very high level of HP, but it;s so slow that you wouldn't have too much trouble with it . Good luck!
NPC Tip:
I don't think you have defeated 5 Stumps and bring back 3 Tree Branches yet. some of them will drop the branches, while others won't, so just be patient and keep hunting.
Quest winodw Tip:
Mai's First Training
Mai instructed me to work on my hunting by firsst working on easy monsters. She then instructed me to hunt 5 Stumps and collect 3 Tree Branches.

Stumps 5/5
Tree Branches 3/3
Whoa, that was much faster than I thought! I think you seriously have a talent for huntiing.. Impressive! Okay, moving on! This time you need to hunt 5 Red Snails.
Previous - Chief's Introduction

Rainbow Street-The Field East of Amherst

You can be much stronger, if you get to be trained by me. Come to me , whenever you are ready.
Quest: Mai's Second Training.
Whoa, that was much faster than I thought! I think you seriously have a talent for huntiing.. Impressive! Okay, moving on! This time you need to hunt 5 Red Snails.
Red Snails have a much higher HP than Snails and Blue Snails. They are also faster than Stumps, so you better not underestimate those pesky creatures.
NPC Tip:
I don't think you have hunted 5 Red Snails yet. If it's too hard for you, then you can definitely take your time.
Quest winodw Tip:
Mai's second Training
After coming back from hunting Stumps, Mai thought I had some talent, and porceeded to tum up the traning by a notch. This time, I'll have to hunt 5 Red Snails. Apparently they are faster than Stumps, so I better watch out.

Red Snail 5/5
Welcome back. I see that you ave eliminated all of the Red Snails. You didn't get too roughed up, did you? Anyway, your next mission involes an even more powerful monster. This time, you'll be slaying 3 Slimes. Kepp attacking those Slimes, and bring me back 1 Squishy Liquid. That's all.

Rainbow Street-The Field East of Amherst

You can be much stronger, if you get to be trained by me. Come to me , whenever you are ready.
Quest: Mai's Third Training.
Welcome back. I see that you have eliminated all of the Red Snails. You didn't get too roughed up, did you? Anyway, your next mission involves an even more powerfull monster. This thime, you'll be slaying 3 Slimes. Keep attacking those Slimes, and bring me back 1 Squishy Liquid. That's all.
Slimes are levels faster than Stumps and Snails. Not only that, but they jump around when going from place to place, so you really need to be careful when hunting them. If you have some Snail shells, I suggeest you use the skill Three Snail Skill for some attack. Good luck.
NPC Tip:
It doesn't like you've defeated 3 Slimes and brought back 1 Squishy Liquid. I suggest you use some ''useful'' items while hunting. They'll definitely help you.
Quest winodw Tip:
After coming back from hunting 5 Red Snails, Mai told me it's time for me to hunt even more powerful monsters. She then in structed me to hunt 3 Slimes and bring back 1 Squishy Liquid.

Slime 3/3
Squiishy Liquid 1/1
Oh wow! You really brought me Squishy Liquid from the Slime. You're doing much better than I expected. I think... you're now ready to take on a really challenging monster.

Rainbow Street-The Field East of Amherst

You can be much stronger, if you get to be trained by me. Come to me , whenever you are ready.
Quest: Mai's Last Training.
Oh wow! You really brought me Squishy Liquid from the Slime. You're doing much better than I expected. I think... you're now ready to take on a really challenging monster.
This time, you'll need to take on 2 Pigs. They are very fast and powerful, but thankfull they aren't the Ribbon Pigs you'll find at Victoria Island. They are just regular Pigs, so if you focus on the combat, you should be able to handle those two.
Npc Tip:
I don't think you've slayed 2 Pigs yet. Please take care of both, then let me know of the results.
Quest winodw Tip:
Mai's Last Training
I defeated the Slimes and brought back the Squiishy Liquid to Mai. She seemed to be impressed, and instructed me this time to hunt a really powerful monster. She then told me to hunt 2 Pigs.

Pig 2/2
So you did defeat 2 Pigs. That's incredible! Seriously. you're doing much better than I ever thought possible! You may be just a beginner, but I have a feeling that you'll one day become a legendary hero in Maple World.
The training is now complete. You may still have some weaknesses here and there, but you'll be able to overcome that in no time. Keep training!
Oh, and I have one last test fro you. think of it as a final exam. If you aren't satisfied with your current skill level and want to push further, then meet Bari, who will have a test in store for.
最后更新于 2024-05-29