

  1. What's a Beginner?

A beginner may not strike fear into anyone, but the potential is limitless. The abilities may not be there just yet, so the beginners spend the majonity of the time at Maple Island training foor the big time.

Once the training in Maple Island is complete, move to Victoria Island for a whole new set of competition, bigger world to play around with and job advancement. Even the very best at one went through growing pains of being a begineer. please train diligently to become a significant player yourself!

  1. -1. Basic controlas: Control

Left, Right Arrow: Move left and right
Up,Down Arrow:Use rope or ladder to climb up and down, use portal
Alt: Jump
Ctrl: attack
Z or 0 in Numpad:Pick up items
E: Opening equipment window
I: Opening item window
S: Opening Ability window
K: Opening skill window
Tip. At the bottom right comer of the screen, allot one of the Hotkey's with a 'use' itme or a skill to have easy access to the item or the skill.

  1. -2. Basic Controls: Commanb

Enter these commands in the caht window to use these functions
(1) chat
/all: Chat in regular method.
/buddy: Talk in buddy chat mode.
/Party: talk to your party members.
/guild: talk to your guild members.
/whisper [character name]: whisper to a particular user.
(2) Action
/find [character name]: Checks the availability of the character/notifies the current place the character is in.
/trade[character name]: Request for a trade.
(3) party
/partyinfo: Check out the information on the party members currently signed up in the party.
/makeparty: Create a new party.
/leaveparty: Leave the current party.
/partyexpell: Forcefully expells a party member.(Party Leader)

  1. What are items?

(1)Equipment Item
An item that can be equipped. Consists of a regular equipment item, which boosts the character's abillities, and cash item, which is geared more towards the appearance.

To equp an equipment item, open the equipment window and darg the item to the slot, or double-clikc on the item.
(2) Use item
These items consist of potions that help recover HP and /or MP, scrolls that upgrade the equipment items, and other 1-time items. Double-click on the item to use it, and the item will disappear following its use.
(3) Etc. Item
These items consist of monster leftovers, quest items, ores, jewels, and other items. Etc. items cannot be used by itself, but they are pivotal in completing quests and other missions in the game.
(4) Cash Item
Items that can be purchased in Cash Shop. Primarily for appearance, as well as some visual effects. Cash Items cost money, and Cash can be charged to purchase these items.

  1. AP and SP

(1)AP(Ability point)
Points that can be allocated to one of these categories: one of these categories: Strength(STR), Dexterity(DEX), Intelligence(INT), Luck(LUK), MaxHP, MaxMP. Earns 5 points for every level up.

Strength(STR)-Essential to carry around heavy armors and weapons. Most important to the warriors. Most important to the warriors, for it directly determines the level of attack the warrior performs.

Dexterity(DEX)-The higher this stat, the higher the accuracy and avoidability. The number one factor in determining the level of attack for bowmen.

Intelligence(INT)-The higher this stat, the better magic attcks get, as well as affecting the MaxMP if AP is used in this stat. The number one factor in determining the mage's Magic Attack.

Luck(LUK)-The higher this stat is, the higher the avoidability, as well as a decrease in the EXP suffered from dying during the game. The number one factor in determining the level of attack for thieves.

(2)SP(Skill Point)
These points are earned after the 1st job advancement, and the points can be allocated towards skills available for the job. Each subsequent level-up will give 3 skill points.

  1. What's a Job Advancement?

All characters may make the job advancement after reaching a certin level. 1st job advancement occurs at Level 8-10, 2end at Level 30, and 3rd at Level 70.

Once the job advancement takes place, new skills can be mastered, occupational weapons will be available, HP and MP will increase, and attack + defense will improve.

  1. 1st Job Advancement : How?

To make the 1st job advancement, first leave Maple Island and head over to Victoria Island.
To reach the Victoria Island, pay 150 mesos at Southperry and get on board the ship that heads to Lith Harbor.
Once at lith harbor, either take a cab or walk to each of these towns for the job advancement.

Level 10 and over, STR over 35.
Once the criteria is met, meet Dances with balrog at Perion to learn a thing or two about becoming a true warrior.

Level 10 and over, DEX over 25.

Once the criteria is met, meet At hena Pierce at Henesys and learn what it's like to be the true bowman.

Level 10 and over, DEX over 25.

Once the criteria is met, meet Dark lord of Keming City and pick up aspects of what it's like to live in the dark, becoming a true thief in the process.

Level 8 and over, INT over 20.

Once the criteria is met, meet Grendel the really Old of Ellinia and learn the ins and outs of becoming a true magician.

Level 10 and over, DEX over 20.

Once the criteria is met, meet kairin of Nautilus and learn how to become a True Pirate.

Tip. It's strongly recommended that the 1st job advancement takes place as soon as your character is eligible, to make sure you receive the extra HP/MP per level for your class.









废弃都市Kerning city




做完2个任务 LEVEL UP ! 一共有3个新手技能,回复HP、移动加速、蜗牛壳攻击。



雪域EL Nath





LEVEL UP ! to lv 4

LEVEL UP ! to lv 5

LEVEL UP ! to lv 6, 做了几个跑腿任务经验也不错,很容易就升级了。

LEVEL UP ! to lv 7, 做完任务继续升级。

LEVEL UP ! to lv 8, 做完Mai的训练任务直接升级,转法师的小伙伴应该尽快离开彩虹岛去转职,但我要探索完整个岛再离开。



LEVEL UP ! to lv 9




最后更新于 2024-10-27